If you encounter any bugs or in-game issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to us via the Help Center. We will do our best to ensure a smooth and flawless playing experience, but bear with us if something goes wrong. Please remember that the game is still in development, so you might face some technical difficulties and bugs. For all Beta players, you will be receiving a special reward based on how far your progressed in the test as soon as you log in to the game with the same Steam account that you played the Beta Weekend with. Friends and Family and Alpha players will be getting emails in the coming days with codes that unlock their special rewards in-game. If you participated in previous tests, such as Friends & Family, Alpha or the first Beta Weekend, you will be receiving some exclusive rewards on your account. We do not intend to wipe any progress between now and release, so all progress from Early Access will carry over to the eventual launch. The game will constantly be improved as we move forward, and additional content will be added over time as well. The combination provides a unique toolset for players to play out their strategies with their own playstyle in Nine to Five. There are 19 unique weapons to unlock and modify to suit your playstyle, as well as several armor sets which offer highly different loadout options. The current version features two spaceous maps, accompanied by three different game modes with several variations. Expect more features and improvements to be implemented as we continue development.

The team will work hard towards making the game as good as it can be, with periodic updates and fixes as we progress through Early Access towards a full launch. We are dedicated to making Nine to Five the game it deserves to be. Being in Early Access gives us an opportunity to do just that, improving Nine to Five together with the players. However, we understand how important it is to get all the details right in a PVP shooter. We believe the game is currently at a fun state, and that it has a lot going for it. Since the beginning, we’ve built Nine to Five with our players, running several tests together with our community to get your feedback.

The moment you have been patiently waiting for is here, Nine to Five is now live in Early Access! To start your new Mercenary career, simply head over to our Store Page and start your free download of the Nine to Five: Why Early Access?